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Planning Application lodged for Regional Surgical Hub at UHW

Waterford Fine Gael Senator John Cummins has welcomed the submission for planning by HSE estates for the construction of a major regional surgical hub on the grounds of the old Glanbia site on Maypark Lane adjacent to University Hospital Waterford. The surgical hub is one of five to be developed nationally and will deliver elective day case surgeries to patients across the South East region.


Senator Cummins said “This proposed development will provide standalone elective day case capacity for Waterford and the wider region. The facility is part of a government initiative to increase capacity for minor day surgery procedures, freeing up capacity with the major hospital network. The surgical hubs will ensure designated access to beds, operating theatres and post recovery facilities. I have no doubt that it will have the desired effect of reducing waiting lists for elective day surgery and this development is further evidence of the governments commitment to ongoing capital investment in our health services across Waterford, both community and acute”.


In its planning application, HSE Estates say “The surgical hub will comprise of four operating theatres, plus two minor procedure rooms included in the scheme, each with a morning and afternoon session and it is envisaged that there will be approximately 150 patients accessing the facility per day by appointment. There will be a maximum of 100 staff members per day, with 311 car parking spaces provided on site.


Senator Cummins added “This is a strategic site located adjacent to University Hospital Waterford. The planning application has now been submitted to Waterford City and County Council by HSE Estates. As the site is not zoned for such a use in the development plan which was adopted last year, it will require a material contravention of the development plan to be voted upon by council, however I suspect both the planning department and the councillors will be fully supportive of this development as it will be of huge importance to patients who require elective day case procedures.


He concluded by saying “For the building to be delivered in line with the national strategy, the development will follow a rapid build constructionprogramme. Therefore if planning is approved in January/February, a tender process will then commence and all going well we should see construction commence before the end of next year, with a 12-18 month delivery programme envisaged.

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