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€456,903 for 28 Waterford Sports Clubs under the Equipment Grant Scheme

Waterford Fine Gael Senator John Cummins has welcomedthe announcement of €456,903 for 28 Waterford Sports Clubs under the latest round of the Sports Capital and Equipment Grant Programme. Further allocations under the programme, including those for capital works, and capital works tied with an equipment component will be announced at a later date.

Senator Cummins said “The sports capital and equipment grant programme is an essential support for sporting clubs and organisations right across Ireland. As someone who was a Physical Education teacher until my election to Seanad Eireann, I know firsthand the positive impact which sport and activity has on young people in particular. I want to commend the fantastic work done at a local level in communities right across the county to foster a love of sport and activity which has such a positive impact on wider society”.

The successful equipment only applications are;

 He added “Last year I held a series of 1 on 1 online workshops with clubs in relation to their applications for capital and equipment grants under the programme. As with previous years they were very well attended. In addition, I have personally called to over twenty clubs across the county to go through their plans”.


Senator Cummins concluded by saying “I will always advocate strongly for sports clubs and organisations because of the positive impact they have on a daily basis. I know this funding will make a huge difference to the work these clubs do on the ground, day in day out with their members and I want to pay tribute to all those who worked so diligently on these applications and I am looking forward to seeing the fantastic projects these clubs have come to fruition.”

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