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N24 upgrade from Waterford to Limerick must be included in revisedNational Development Plan

Updated: Mar 6, 2021

Minister agrees to meet Government Oireachtas members in relation to the route

Waterford Fine Gael Senator John Cummins today challenged Minister Eamon Ryan to commit to upgrading the N24 to at least dual carriageway standard as part of the revised National Development Plan. Speaking in Seanad Eireann Senator Cummins said the upgrade of the N24 between Waterford and Limerick cities must be an immediate priority for government as it was an integral piece of infrastructure linking the Mid West and Western regions with the South East and onwards to Rosslare Harbour.

The average speed of journeys on the current N24 currently stands at 60-65kmph which is well below the target set in the National Planning Framework for interurban travel at 90kmph. In addition, collision data shows that it well in excess of the national average.

Senator Cummins who studied as a student at the University of Limerick referenced the long-mooted upgrades to one of the worst national primary routes in the country. “There have been many false dawns in relation to the upgrading of the N24. When I was travelling up and down to Limerick for four years, there was a lot of talk about upgrading this route and here we are some 15 years later with no progress to show, only new consultations”

He added “I know the green party were supportive of this route as an alternative to the M20 between Cork and Limerick cities, but as that is now progressing, there is real fear across Waterford, Wexford, Kilkenny, Tipperary and Limerick that this project will be lost in a review of the capital plan and that simply cannot be allowed to happen”.

Senator Cummins concluded by saying “The N24 upgrade to a minimum dual carriageway standard will future proof this critical link beyond 2040 and will enable the regions to collaborate with one another and act as a counter balance to Dublin. It would also reduce travel times between Waterford and Cork cities via Cahir and I would respectfully ask you Minister to sit down with the government Oireachtas members from the five counties that this route traverses as a matter of urgency.

Responding to Senator Cummins (Waterford) and Senator Garret Ahern (Tipperary), Minister Ryan acknowledged the importance of the route and confirmed that he would meet with Oireachtas members from across both regions on the issue.

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